Vol.3 No.2
- Vol.3 No.2
- Published£º2011
- ISSN £º1949-8519
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Introduction to Topic on Hans Christian Andersen and the Fairy Tale
Lydia Cabrera's African Fables from Cuba as a Text Theatre
Treue in Three Tales by the Brothers Grimm
Nation Building and Folklore in Norway 1840-1905
The Language of Andersen's Early Fairy Tales
Dual or Single Address? Some Reflections on Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales in Polish Translations
The Writer of Tales: Hans Christian Andersen as a Cultural Bridge - Builder
£¢The Dryad£¢by Hans Chrstian Andersen: A Fairy Tale on Modern Times and The World Exhibition of 1867
The End of the Fairy Tale: Hans Christian Andersen's £¢the Shadow£¢
Comparativism in Slovenia: Introduction
The Historical Novel, Ideology and Re-organization of the Semiosphere: The Case of the Slovene Historical Novel
The Short Story as a Genre of Ontological Uncertainty
The Historical Novel, Ideology and Re-organization of the Semiosphere:The Case of the Slovene Historical Novel
The Voice We Need to Listen to:A Comment on Perloff's Poetic License
Striving for a New Critical Approach: Rereading English Literature in the Perspective of Ethical Literary Criticism
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¡¡¡¡Tables of content
¡¡¡¡Hans Christian Andersen and the Fairy Tale Studies
¡¡¡¡158 Introduction to Topic on Hans Christian Andersen and the Fairy Tale
¡¡¡¡Jorgen Veisland
¡¡¡¡159-165 Lydia Cabrera’s African Fables from Cuba as a Text Theatre
¡¡¡¡Barbara Stawicka-Pirecka
¡¡¡¡166-172 Treue in Three Tales by the Brothers Grimm
¡¡¡¡Dolores Buttry
¡¡¡¡173-183 Nation Building and Folklore in Norway 1840-1905
¡¡¡¡Gudleiv Boy
¡¡¡¡184-194 The Language of Andersen’s Early Fairy Tales
¡¡¡¡Tom Lundskar-Nielsen
¡¡¡¡195-203 Dual or Single Address? Some Reflections on Hans Christian Andersen’s
¡¡¡¡Fairy Tales in Polish Translations
¡¡¡¡Hanna Dymel-Trzebiatowska
¡¡¡¡204-210 The Writer of Tales:Hans Christian Andersen as a Cultural Bridge-
¡¡¡¡Johannes Norregaard Frandsen
¡¡¡¡211-219 “The Dryad” by Hans Christian Andersen:A Fairy Tale on Modern Times
¡¡¡¡and The World Exhibition of 1867
¡¡¡¡Anne-Marie Mai
¡¡¡¡220-231 The End of the Fairy Tale:Hans Christian Andersen’s“The Shadow”
¡¡¡¡Jorgen Veisland
¡¡¡¡Slovenian Literature and Culture Studies
¡¡¡¡232-233 Comparativism in Slovenia:Introduction
¡¡¡¡Tomo Virk
¡¡¡¡234-247 Oedipus and Joseph K.
¡¡¡¡Janez Vrebko
¡¡¡¡248-254 The Short Story as a Genre of Ontological Uncertainty
¡¡¡¡Tomo Virk
¡¡¡¡255-266 The Historical Novel, Ideology and Re-organization of the Semiosphere:
¡¡¡¡The Case of the Slovene Historical Novel
¡¡¡¡Vanesa Matajc
¡¡¡¡Book Reviews
¡¡¡¡267-271 The Voice We Need to Listen to:A Comment on Perloff’ s Poetic License
¡¡¡¡Hu Quansheng
¡¡¡¡272-274 Striving for a New Critical Approach:Rereading English Literature in the
¡¡¡¡Perspective of Ethical Literary Criticism
¡¡¡¡Yang Jincai
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