Vol.12 No.2
- Vol.12 No.2
- Published:2020
- ISSN :1949-8519
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The Legal, the Ethical, and the Aesthetic: The Case of Gustav Klimt’s Woman in Gold
The Controversy between Levinas and Derrida and the Methodology of Literary Studies or Why Seems Ethical Criticism to be Unavoidable?
Homo Homini Lupus: The Relationship between Man and Animal as a Topical Challenge to Ethical Literary Criticism
Entanglement of Racism and Medical Ethics: Cee’s Illness and Healing in Toni Morrison’s Home
The Problems of the Absence of an Inner Self and of Moral Education in Contemporary Japan Echoed in Convenience Store Human
“Peripheral” Transgeniality of Creative Dissidence in K. J. Peterson, G. M. Hopkins and Juhan Liiv
The Historicized Elegy in Natasha Trethewey’s Native Guard
Wordsworth and Traherne: Metaphysical or Romantic?
Authorship in Muslim Slave Narratives: Job Ben Solomon, Omar Ibn Said, and Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua
Rethinking the Slave as Hero: A Deconstructionist Perspective in Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Amadi’s The Slave
Acoustic Narrative Study and Its Development in China and Abroad
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