Vol.13 No.1
- Vol.13 No.1
- Published:2021
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Ecological Ethics in Emily Dickinson’s Nature Poems
Horse Imagery in the Yakut Epic “Nurgun Botur the Swift”
Sense and Sensibility: Hushing and Dwarfing the Ladies of the Era
Another Humanist Ideal: The Transhuman Future in Frankissstein: A Love Story
“The Spider” (“l’Araigne”), and Its Relationship with the Armenian Literary Praxis
The Ambivalence of Indianness in Ahmed Essop’s The Hajji and Other Stories
Performing the Self in Joseph Conrad’s “Il Conde”
“Do We Have More Yesterdays or More Tomorrows?”: (M/Tr) agical Realities and Postcolonial Utopian Prospects in Mia Couto’s Sleepwalking Land
Zain’s Steamer Point: Between Celebrating Colonialism and Anti- Colonial Voice
The Inaudible Skirmish of the Undocumented Expatriates and Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss
The Unending Waiting of Homo Sapiens: A Comparative Study of Anand’s Untouchable and Beckett’s Waiting for Godot
The Absorption and Transformation of Neo-Confucianism during the Edo Period of Japan
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