Vol.10 No.2
- Vol.10 No.2
- Published:2018
- ISSN :1949-8519
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The New Approaches in William Faulkner Study: An Interview with Dr. Christopher Rieger
Silence and Communication in Shakespeare’s Dramatic Works
“The Struggle to Find Meaning:” Masculinity Crisis in Sam Shepard’s True West
Deconstruction as the Construction: Paul de Man’s Ethicity of Allegory
Acculturation and Identity: Appraising Santhals’ Transition through Folktales
The Detective Novel: A Mainstream Literary Genre?
The Burnt Doll: The Dialectical Image and Gender Fluidity in Sandra Cisneros’ Short Story “Barbie-Q”
A Possibility of Lyrical Progression: An Analysis of the Thing-power in Natasha Trethewey’s Native Guard
Reading Discourses of Violence in Gloria Naylor’s The Women of Brewster Place
To the Lighthouse: Memory and Art Therapy
Existential Failure in Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis
“The Burden of Representation”: Absence and the Deferral of Meaning in Yasmine Ghata’s The Calligraphers’ Night
André Brink’s Rumors of Rain: An Intersection of Entangled Liminal Beings
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