Vol.10 No.1
- Vol.10 No.1
- Published:2018
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Hans Christian Andersen for Children,Children and by Children
Hans Christian Andersen:A Cultural Icon Lost in Translation
Co-creating Literature Across Media and Modes of Expression:Hans Christian Andersen's“In the Children's Room”(1865)and “Dance, Dance, Doll of Mine!” (1872)
Fairy Play, Recycling Trash in Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tale and Children’s Play
Teaching and Learning Modes and Media of H.C. Andersen Fairy Tales
New Versions of the Fantastic: Children’s Books by the Danish Author Louis Jensen
The Magic Power of Telling and Re-telling in Kissing the Witch
The Absence of Fatherhood: Interpreting the Orphan Image in Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Family Complexes
Victims of Colonialism in Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North
The Dalit of all Dalits: An Insight into the Condition of Women as Portrayed in Dalit Literature
Vincent Fang’s Love Lyrics: A Poetic and Nostalgic Reconfiguration of Modern Concepts about Romantic Love
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