Vol.9 No.4
- Vol.9 No.4
- Published:2017
- ISSN :1949-8519
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The Local and the Global: Introduction
Anthologizing World Literature in Translation: Global/Local/Glocal
The Un/Worlding of Letters: Literary Globalization’s “Zones of Indistinction”
Japanese Ethical Changes and Literary Works after Disaster
The Genesis and Evolution of Modern Turkish Drama
Reconsideration of Mimesis in Drama through the Perspective of Mirror Neurons
The Tension in the Poetry of Malaysian-Chinese Poet Zhou Ruotao
Narrative Strategy and Cultural-Political Meaning of David Der-wei Wang’s Lyrical Theory
Mrs. Dalloway: Consciousness, “Social Homeostasis,” and Marxism
The Madness of Freddie Montgomery of John Banville’s The Book of Evidence
Sangam Landscapes and Thing Theory: A Study with Reference to Kurunthogai
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