Vol.10 No.3
- Vol.10 No.3
- Published:2018
- ISSN :1949-8519
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The Universal Poetry and the Work-Net of Bob Dylan’s Oeuvre: With Special Regards to Dylan’s The Brazil Series
Severo Sarduy and the Big Bang: The Poietic Catastrophe
Discursive Vulnerability and Identity Development: A Triangular Model of Bio-forces in Cultural Ecological Analysis of American Romance Fiction
Ambivalence and Its Implications from the Standpoints of Modern and Postmodern Ethics in Coetzee’s Life and Times of Michael K
Psychosis in Hybridity: Locating the Identity of the Postcolonial Subject in Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss
An Existential Crisis: The Significance of the Opening and Concluding Passages of Robert Walser’s Jacob Von Gunten
Angela Carter’s The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman: A Subversive Cartesian Thought Experiment
Romanticism and Nostalgia from Afar: Signification of Home for a Political Exile in Leila s. Chudori’s “Home”
Normative Femininity and Motherhood as Redemption: The Life Writing of Indonesian [ex] Nude Model Tiara Lestari
Exploring Literary Multilingualism in Indian Diasporic Writing
Ishmael Reed’s Mimicry of Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and the Formation of Neo-HooDoo Slave Narrative in Flight to Canada
A New Perspective of Narrative Studies: A Review of On Spatial Narrative in Fiction
A Different Picture of Unnatural Narratology: A Review of Macro Caracciolo’s Strange Narrators in Contemporary Fiction
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