Vol.9 No.1
- Vol.9 No.1
- Published:2017
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Slovenian World Literature after 1960:An Introduction
Boris Pahor's Necropolis and World Literature
The Presentation of the Mind in Dane Zajc's Lyric Poetry
Otherness and the Contemporary Slovene Novel
The Performative and (No-Longer) Dramatic in the Theatre of Dusan Jovanovic and Matjaz Zupancic
The Innovation Dramatic Works of Simona Semenic
Dialogism in Contemporary Slovenian Poetry:Aspects of External Dialogization
Mapping Ethnicity and Its Representation in the Global Context
On the Critical Representation of the Tough Jew Ideal in Thane Rosenbaum's Second Hand Smoke
Reading Hanif Kureishi's Representation of the London Suburbs in The Buddha of Suburbia
When Ethnic Identity Meets National Identity:An Analysis of the Changing Ethnic Identification in Gloria Naylor's Bailey's Cafe
Marginality and Creative Energy:Reading the Prospect of Post-Colonialism Through the IbisTrilogy
Narration of the Displaced:A Study of Female Characters in the Novel Island of a Thousand Mirrors
The Performative and (No-Longer) Dramatic in the Theatre of Dusan Jovanovic and Matjaz Zupancic
The Innovative Dramatic Works of Simona Semenič
The Performative and (No-Longer) Dramatic in the Theatre of Du#3;an Jovanović and Matja&2; Zupančič
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