Vol.8 No.4
- Vol.8 No.4
- Published:2016
- ISSN :1949-8519
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The Islamic Tale of Solomon and the Angel of Death in English Poetry:Origins,Translations,and Adaptations
The Poetic Forms of Shakespeare's Three Single-Sentenced Sonnets
Shakespeare's Tragedies Recontextualized as Comedies in Iran's State TV Sitcom,Kolah Ghermezi
“An Armed Negotiator”:Thomas De Quincey and the British Empire in China
Journeying in and Out:Revisiting the Concept of the“Journey”in Naomi Shihab Nye's Writing in
Rousseau's Confessions,the I-Novel of Japan,and the Confessional Novel of Korea,Focusing on Futon by Tayama Katai and Mansejeon by Sang-seop Yeom
Death is Taking Its Course:A Psychoanalytic Reading of Endgame
Ecological Consciousness in Hemingway's Short Stories
A Brief Survey of Contemporary American Drama Studies in China
Cultural Crisis and Golden Age as Dialectic Opposites:A Review of The Cultural Crisis of the Danish Golden Age:Heiberg,Martensen and Kierkegaard
Overall Research,Multiple Scope and Present Criticism:A Review of Research on Evolution of the Contemporary Jewish American Writer Philip Roth
Constructing a Poetics of the Other Literary“Great Tradition”:A Review of Unnatural Narrative:Theory,History,and Poetics
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