Vol.9 No.2
- Vol.9 No.2
- Published:2017
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Ethical Literary Criticism and Ethical Narratology:An Interview with Prof.Wolfgang G.Muller
Interrogating Modernity:Hermann Broch's Post-Romanticism
An Eco-Critical Cultural Approach to Mars Colonization
Representation of Hybrid Identities in Contemporary Latvian Literature
Discontinuity and Continuity:Literary History According to Foucault
When a Personal Narration Represents the Zainichi Korean Narrative:Lee Hoesung's The Cloth-Fulling Woman
When Adultery Meets Democracy:The Boom of Adultery Genres in Japan around 1950 and the Ethical Standards on the“Fujinkaiho”
Keeping or Breaking:Ethical Conflict and Ethical Choice in Shimazaki Toson's Broken Commandment
Green or Greed?:The Irony of Ecology in Jane Smiley's Good Will
The Influence of Authorities on Writers in a Society: Censorship Rules and Challenges Faced by Dissident Writers with Reference to Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front
Problematics of Multiculturalism: Exploring the Dynamics of Cultural Proximity in Hanif Kureishi’s Trilogy: The Buddha of Suburbia, The Black Album, and My Son the Fanatic
Beyond the Figure of the Husband: Television Serials and the Cultural Image of the Malayali
A Diachronic and Synchronic Study of American Ethical Criticism: A Review of American Ethical Criticism: A Survey
The Narrative Dynamics of Contemporary Chinese Ecoliterature: A Review of A Study of Eco-Narrative of Chinese Contemporary Novels from a Comparative Perspective
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