Vol.6 No.4
- Vol.6 No.4
- Published:2014
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Global Comparative Literature: An Introduction
Revenge and the Perfect Woman in Dante and Dumas’ The Count of Monte Cristo, with Notes on Mo Yan and World Literature
Unwilling Sacrifices in Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities
(In)visible Violence: Carolina de Jesus’s Quarto de despejo and Clarice Lispector’s A hora da estrela
Consumerism and Chinese Postfeminism: Visual Economy, Chick Flicks, and the Politics of Cultural (Re)Production
Hilary Mantel’s Anne Boleyn: Locating a Body of Evidence
“Words, Words, Just Words”: The Dramatic Role of the Narrator in Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall Audio Book
Pauses in Visit from the Goon Squad: Aberration Takes Charge, or, Literary Hijinks with the Notion of Time
Performing Gender and Fictions of the Nation in David Hwang’s M. Butterfly
Intramental Fictional Minds in Ian McEwan’s Amsterdam and On Cehsil Beach
Mirror Images in Doris Lessing’s The Summer Before The Dark
Desire, Spirituality and “Regimes of Truth” in South Asian Literature: An Introduction
Being Kṛṣṇā's Gōpi: Songs of Anṭāḷ, Ritual Practices and the Power Relations Between God and Devotee in the Contemporary Tamil Nadu
Speaking Through Bodies, Exhibiting the Limits: British Colonialism and Gandhian Nationalism
Loving India: Same-Sex Desire, Hinduism and the Nation-State in Abha Dawesar’s Babyji
Unruly Voices/Disciplined Bodies: Games of Truth and Desire in Kishwar Naheed’s Poetry
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