Vol.5 No.1
- Vol.5 No.1
- Published:2013
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Cultural Literacy Studies
Finding Caleb: Review of Historical Novel Caleb's Crossing
“Deconstructing Epidermal Art and the Female Goth in Nordic Millenial Fiction:The Joys of Vulgarity in Stieg Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Poe's Landscape:Drems,Nightmares,and Enclosed Gardens
Valle-Inclan: Comparativ and Thematic Approaches
Carlist Carnage: Warin Valle-Inclan's Carlist Novels and in Voces de gesta
Renderings of Don Juan in Valle -Inclan
The Literature of Valle-Inclan Transposed to the Screen: A Problematic Rewriting
Damaged in Transit? Valle -Inclan's Tirano Banderas Between Two World-Literatures
Intro duction to A Perspective of Ethical Literary Criticism on Ibsen's Plays
The Ethical Dilemma and Choices in Lady Inger of Ostrat
On Julian's Apostasy and Destruction in Emperor and Galilean
Pillars of Society: An Ethical Drama of Satire and Redemption
Chong Yag-Yong's "Howling of a Woman, with the Penis Cut off Her Husband," A Poem of Old Korea
A Study of A Selection of Literary Essays by Korean Writers Living in Manchuria
Sol Jungsik's Early Poems
Perfecting Mind and Its Qualia of Silence in Korean Son Poetry
A New Breakthrough in Studies on the History of Foreign Literature in China:A Review of Studies on the History of Academic Research of Cervantes
She Speaks as an Individual: Review of Art and Morals: Iris Murdoch's Fictional World
Realistic yet Illusive: Features of the Writing Techniques in The Stone Diaries
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