Vol.6 No.2
- Vol.6 No.2
- Published:2014
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Ethics, Community and Literature: An Introduction
World Literature and the Ethical Turn: A Desire for Community?
Should Literary Criticism be Ethical?
Rosalie or not Rosalie: Han Suyin’s Ethical Identity and Ethical Choices in the Crippled Tree Series
To Narrate is to Be: Edwindge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones
Exploring Non-Human Ethics in Linda Hogan’s Power and Timothy Morton’s Ecology without Nature
Ethics and Aesthetics in W. B. Yeats’s Poetry
The Role of Ethics in Literature: An Approach
Activist Ecocriticism: An Introduction
“What’s the Story? Competing Narratives of Climate Change and Climate Justice”
The Question of Aesthetic Praxis: If Literature and Art are Propaganda, What is Ecocritical Analysis?
Ecocritical Forms of Engagement with Nature and Texts
Pedagogical Literary Environmental Activism and “The Dream of the Rood”
Ethical Literary Criticism: A New Approach to Literature Studies
Poetic Means, Ethical Ends: A Review of On Alexander Pope’s Poetry
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