Vol.7 No.4
- Vol.7 No.4
- Published:2015
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Understanding of Cosmopolitanism in Georgian Literary Thinking:From Goethe to Vazha-Pshavela
Rainer Maria Rilke and the English-Speaking World:Celebrating and Honouring140th Anniversary of the Poet
An Islamic Reading of Rudyard Kipling's Poetry
Rethinking the Definition of a Classic:A Milestone Approach to James Joyce's Ulysses
Orientalizing The Female Protagonist in Mahfouz's Midaq Alley
“Who Am I?”:Between the Burden of the White House,Clutches of Political Agency and Eagerness for Privacy in Nadine Gordimer's Occasion for Loving
Walking with Shadows and the Critique of the Evolutionary Character of Nigerian Narratives
Ethical Power from“the Human Heart by Which We Live”
A Comparative Study on the Man-Nature Relationship and its Presentation in Chinese and British Nature Poetry
The Ethical Representations and Enlightenments of“Peach Blossom Spring”in Contemporary Literature
Walking through Crisis:Chiang Yee's Wordsworthina Odyssey in A Silent Traveller in Lakeland
Caverns of the Mind:Exploring the Relationship between Science,Aesthetics and Ethics in Eighteenth-Century Representations of the Underground
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