Vol.7 No.2
- Vol.7 No.2
- Published:2015
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Literary Trend after Theory:An Introduction
Fictions of Empire and the (Un-)Making of Imperialist Mentalities:Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Criticism Revisited
“World Literature”and Russia
Do“Minor Literatures”Still Exist
From Imitation to Construction:Steps towards Modernization in Nordic Literature
Ethical Contours of the (Sub)urban Space-Time Relationship in the Early Postwar American Drama
Is Shakespeare Unethical?:A Critical Review of Shakespearean Ethics
Politics,History and Aesthetics as Tropes:An Introduction
“A Strong House We Build to Protect Us in Need...”:On Welfare Metaphors and Welfare Critique in Works by Kirsten Thorup,Vibeke Gronfeldt and Jette Drewsen
The Artist's Hand:The Aesthetics of Loss in Paul Auster's Sunset Park
Toni Morrison's Emotional Tropes in A Mercy as a Literary Representation of Historical Truth
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