Vol.11 No.4
- Vol.11 No.4
- Published:2019
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Trauma, Ethical Dilemma and Ethical Choice in Barker’s War Novels
An Exploration of the Concepts of Place and Space with Emphasis on Past and Memory in Selected Novels of M. G. Vassanji
Anchee Min’s Red Azalea: Memoir as an Enterprise to Self-discovery
Towards a Coherent Society: Family Warmth and Psychological Peace in Luisa May Alcott’s Little Women
Female Exploitation in Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Marie Hugo
Reclaiming the Female Body in Nawal El Saadawi’s Woman at Point Zero
“To Be Free Is to Become Almost a Stranger to Oneself”: Writing the White Woman’s Gender Empowerment and Race Disgrace in Two of Nadine Gordimer’s Apartheid Novels
Images of Legendary Figures, Genre, Toponymy: The Study of Mary Stewart’s Arthurian Romance
Non-Parochial Inclusive Nationalism in Rabindranath Tagore’s Gora
Distorted, Relegated and Colonised: Reconceptualising Ogun as the God of Justice in Sunnie Ododo’s Hard Choice
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