Vol.11 No.1
- Vol.11 No.1
- Published:2019
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Latvian Literature and National Identity: An Introduction
The Presence of Western Esotericism in Latvian Literature
Latvia in Russian Literature (1901–1940)
The Search for Regional Identity: Latgale in Latvian Literature in the First Decades of the Twentieth Century
Post-symbolist Irony on the Latvian Stage: The Staging of Van Charles Lerberghe’s Pan and Maurice Maeterlinck’s Le Miracle de saint Antoine
Reception of Opera Salome by Richard Strauss in Aspazija’s Novel “The Autumn Nightingale”
The Concept of Literary Heritage: A Definition through Bibliographic Review
The Reflection of the Myths of Other Nations on the Persian Contemporary Poetry
Contemporary Light Novels: Subculture, Literature, and Morality
Dialogue between Mikhail Bakhtin and Eric Fromm in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies
Cultural Assimilation and the Cross-National Marriage Ethics in Korea under Japanese Rule: The Transformation of the Fable “The Wedding of the Mouse” in East Asia
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