Vol.15, No.2
- Vol.15, No.2
- Published:2023
- ISSN :1949-8519
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A Postanthropocentric Reading of Racial Hybridity in Contemporary British Ethnic Fiction and Caryl Phillips’ Reflections on Cross-Racial Solidarity
Together-in-Diaspora: Narratives of Spatial Identities in Leila Aboulela’s Bird Summons
tanarrative in Philippa Pearce’s Tom’s Midnight Garden: A Psychoanalytic Reading -
On the Narrativity and Dialogue Mode in Louise Glück’s Poetry Chen Xia
“Because in Truth I’m Never a Victim”: Identities Perceptions and Narrative Beginnings in Anita Moorjani’s Cancer Memoir Dying To Be Me Snigdha Subhrasmita
Unfettered Minds in Prison and Exile in Assia Djebar’s Women of Algiers in Their Apartment and Nawal El Saadawi’s Woman at Point Zero
An Essence of Postmodern Truth(s): Analyzing “Motherhood” in Red Clocks by Leni Zumas
Love and Power as the Substitutes for Objet Petit a in Han Suyin’s The Enchantress
Mythical Motifs and the Modernity of Neo Mythology in the Works of Abai
Characteristics of the Origination and Development of Korean Literature of Critical Realism
Encoding and Decoding the Reviews of the Film The White Tiger
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