Vol.15 No.1
- Vol.15 No.1
- Published:2023
- ISSN :1949-8519
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“Good Criticism Is Ethical”: Claude Rawson’s IAELC Presidential Addresses
Escape from the World of Reality into the Utopian World of Classical Chinese Culture: Analysis of the Two Worlds of the Novella Dumplings by Li Shijiang
A “Consuming Identity” in China’s Modernity: Contextualizing Cannibalism in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
Identity, Borders and Liminality in The Tobacco Keeper
Challenging Colonial Construction of Diseased Bodies: Polyvocal Narrative Voices in Bushnell’s Moloka’i
Robinson Crusoe and Foe: Deconstruction of Colonial Discourse Through Tropical Invalidism
The Archetypal Motif of a Doppelgänger in the Cultural and Mythical Traditions around the World
Samuel Clemens Sheds the Liberal Skin of Mark Twain: An Active Response to Pudd’nhead Wilson
A Bibliometric Analysis of Jordan Motifs in English Poetry
Epiphanous Moment in a Sein-Zum-Tode Trajectory in Matt Haig’s The Midnight Library
Post-Nuclear Explosion Crisis and Survival in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
“Hermeneutical Acrobatics”: A Critique of Shelina Janmohamed’s Love in a Headscarf
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The Traumatic Experiences of Abdou Said in Abdul Wali’s Novella They Die Stran
From Ritual to Moral Elevation: The Essence of Medieval English Morality Plays
The World of Al-Gharbi Emran in Mushaf Ahmar: A Critique of Tripartite Taboo
On Cultural Transmutation and Aesthetic Turn in the Age of Consumerism
The Administering of the Bodies and Sexuality of Javanese Women Migrants in Ear