Vol.16 No.3
- Vol.16 No.3
- Published:2024
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Images of Femininity in World Fairy Tales
Disability: The Representation of a Non-Normative Woman’s Body in Wilkie Collins’s Hide and Seek
Intersectional Feminism in An American Marriage by Tayari Jones and The Frightened Ones by Dima Wannous
Differentiation of Self of Lear and His Daughters in Shakespeare’s King Lear
The Poetics of Life-Writing Exiles: Negotiating Time, Place and Language in Mahmoud Darwish’s “Tuesday, a Bright Day” and “Counterpoint”
Gender Divide and Discriminations: Struggle for Self-Actualization of Women in Anne Tyler’s a Slipping Down Life and Earthly Possessions
A Carnivalesque Exploration of Hosseini’s Select Novels
A Critical Study of Mahfouz’s novel The Beggar: The Psychological Turmoil of the Protagonist
Characteristics of Formation and Development and Artistic Description of Romantic Tendency in Medieval Korean Literature
Faith, Science, Addiction and Depression in Yaa Gyasi’s Transcendent Kingdome
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Faith, Science, Addiction and Depression in Yaa Gyasi’s Transcendent Kingdome
Characteristics of Formation and Development and Artistic Description of Romant
A Critical Study of Mahfouz’s novel The Beggar: The Psychological Turmoil of t
Gender Divide and Discriminations: Struggle for Self-Actualization of Women in
The Poetics of Life-Writing Exiles: Negotiating Time, Place and Language in Mah