Vol.16 No.2
- Vol.16 No.2
- Published:2024
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Chess and the Game of Life: Jānis Ezeriņš’ Novelette A Game of Chess
Ethical Literary Criticism and a Comparative Analysis of Gorky’s Two Novels
Kristevan Affect in Connie Willis’ Passage
A German Literary Paradigm of Relationship Manipulation in Korean writer, Yi Cheong-jun’s “The Wounded” (1966)
Nomadism as Lifestyle: The Construction of a Narrative Borderland in Un Beduino En El Caribe
Archetypes, “Others Inside” and Social Types: A Combined Literary Analysis of Eugene O’Neill’s Strange Interlude, J. M Synge’s The Well Of The Saints and William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying
Audience Participation: Avant-Garde in Bertolt Brecht’s The Good Woman of Setzuan and Femi Osofisan’s Esu and the Vagabond Minstrels
From Persians to Moors: The Representation of Otherness in the Persians, Tamburlaine the Great, and Abdelazer
Fishery as Socio-Cultural Symbol: Conceptualising Marine Pollution and the Dynamics of Displacement in Selected Nigerian Novels
Change as Impossible Necessity: Change for the Worse as Depicted in Wajdi Alahdal’s A Crime at Restaurant Street
A Study of Ian McEwen’s Novels and Their Ethical Values: A Chinese Perspective
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A Study of Ian McEwen’s Novels and Their Ethical Values: A Chinese Perspective
Change as Impossible Necessity: Change for the Worse as Depicted in Wajdi Alahd
Fishery as Socio-Cultural Symbol: Conceptualising Marine Pollution and the Dyna
From Persians to Moors: The Representation of Otherness in the Persians, Tambur
Audience Participation: Avant-Garde in Bertolt Brecht’s The Good Woman of Setz