Vol.13 No.3
- Vol.13 No.3
- Published:2021
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Ethical Literary Criticism: Sphinx Factor and Ethical Selection
Characteristics of Origination and Development of Korean Literature in Enlightenment
Anglo-American and French Literary Studies and Their Impact on Kosovo/Albanian Scholarship
Women’s Solidarity and Its Limitations in Kirino Natsuo’s Out: Focusing on Patriarchal Capitalism and the Double Burden on Women
The Anthropocene in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart
Bringing up Topsy by Hand
A Critical Study of Self-Actualization in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: A Rogerian Reading
Imperialism and Insanity: A Study on Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
Preserving Ethical Order via Panopticism in Four Dreamers and Emily
Beyond Gender: Catheresque Queer Harmony and Possibility
Between Life and Death: On the Sea Images in Christina Rossetti’s Poems
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