Vol.13 No.2
- Vol.13 No.2
- Published:2021
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Ethical Literary Criticism: A Basic Theory
Revisiting George Orwell’s Animal Farm and Yaşar Kemal’s The Sultan of the Elephants and the Red-Bearded Lame Ant within the Context of Socialist Realism
Marginalization Mimicry and Subversion: A Bhabhian Reading of Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist
The Existential Arab Antihero in Rawi Hage’s Beirut Hellfire Society
Nationalism, Transnationalism and Sense of Belonging: Burnt Shadows as a Post 9/11 Cosmopolitan Critique of Terror
Historical Narratives, Fictional Biographies, and Biblical Allusions in Aleksandar Hemon’s The Lazarus Project as a New Literary Hybrid
Epistolary Narrative Voice in Albanian Contemporary Novels
An Ethical Study of Toni Morrison’s God Help the Child
“I Do Not Own My People, I Own Slaves”: The Formation of Slave Owners’ Consciousness in Edward Jones’s The Known World
Identity Politics on LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka’s Stage: The Monolith of Culture and The Trope of Blackness as Vectors of Racial Otherness
Re-examining the Role of Women in Medieval Literature: Beowulf, Juliana, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight as a Case Study
Can the Subaltern Muslim Female Character “Speak” through CrossCultural Marriage? An Analysis of Four Novels
“Take This Slave Wench Krsna to the House!”: Exploring Feminine Subjectivity in the Indian Context through Draupadi-Dopdi
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