- Creating the Ghosts of Modernity: Magic and Memory in Hamlet and Cien Anos de Soledad2021-05-29
- Representations of Shakespearean Women in Contemporary Brazilian Media 2021-05-29
- Love and Empire: The Transnational Logic of Feng Xiaogang's The Banquet2021-05-29
- The Anti-Gaze in a Hybrid Shakespeare: A Discussion of Woman Characters in Prince of the Himalayas2021-05-29
- Shakespeare in lowa2021-05-29
- Othello and the French Tradition in Les Enfants duparadis2021-05-29
- Classic of china, Theasure of the World: Review on The History of Japanese Research on The Book of Ancient Chinese Poem2021-05-29
- Preface to The Interplay Beween Art and Politice:A study of langston Hughes's Poetry2021-05-29
- The Biographers' Tale of Ibsen's Childhood2021-05-29
- Tracie Utoh-Ezeajugh's Nneora: An African Doll's House as a Paradigm2021-05-29
Column Navigation
- The Ethico-Political Turn in L
- Call for Chapters: Ideological
- Fruitful collaborations-Ethica
- The Teaching Function of Liter
- Conference Report:The 4th Inte