- The Caterpillar Transforming into A Butterfly: The Images of Women in Strindberg's Zones of the Spirit2021-06-02
- The Artist's Hand:The Aesthetics of Loss in Paul Auster's Sunset Park2021-06-02
- Co-creating Literature Across Media and Modes of Expression:Hans Christian Andersen's¡°In the Children's Room¡±(1865)and2021-06-02
- ¡°A Strong House We Build to Protect Us in Need...¡±:On Welfare Metaphors and Welfare Critique in Works by Kirsten Thoru2021-06-02
- Politics,History and Aesthetics as Tropes:An Introduction2021-06-02
- On Great 19th - Century Swedish Poets 2021-06-02
- Is Shakespeare Unethical?£ºA Critical Review of Shakespearean Ethics 2021-06-02
- The Poem as Concert: Lidner, Oxenstierna and the Unity of the Long Po-em2021-06-02
- Hans Christian Andersen:A Cultural Icon Lost in Translation2021-06-02
- Ethical Contours of the (Sub)urban Space-Time Relationship in the Early Postwar American Drama2021-06-02
Column Navigation
- The Ethico-Political Turn in L
- Call for Chapters: Ideological
- Fruitful collaborations-Ethica
- The Teaching Function of Liter
- Conference Report:The 4th Inte