- Midnight¡¯s Children: Brian Concept, Identity Construction and Historical Writing2024-01-29
- The Transformation Path of Brain Text and Its Significance in Event Theory2024-01-29
- On Death Writing and Its Ethical Implications in Fenton¡¯s Cross-Cultural Dramatic Adaptation of The Orphan of Zhao2024-01-29
- The Ethical Writing in Voltaire¡¯s The Orphan of China and an Exploration of His Pragmatism2024-01-29
- Ethical Considerations of Human-Machine Choices in Machines Like Me2024-01-29
- African American Heroism in the Educational Ethical Predicament in The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman2024-01-29
- The Reconstruction of Working-Class Ethical Identity in Raymond Williams¡¯ Idea of Adult Literary Education2024-01-29
- An Ethical Study on Panopticism of Ryunosuke Akutagawa¡¯s Literature: An Example of Its Relationship to Japanese Natura2024-01-29
- Unresolved Ethnicity, History, Dehumanization and Violence: Focused on Ethics Revealed in Kagenosumika by Gengetsu2024-01-29
- The Ethical Conflicts in Views of a Colony from Japanese Literature in Colonial Korea in the 1920s: Waves of the Penins2024-01-29
Column Navigation
- The Ethico-Political Turn in L
- Call for Chapters: Ideological
- Fruitful collaborations-Ethica
- The Teaching Function of Liter
- Conference Report:The 4th Inte