- Nationhood and Justice in J.M.Coetzee¡¯s Disgrace2021-06-02
- Leo Tolstoy¡¯s Resurrection and English Crime Fiction: Between Western Tradition and New Ideas2021-06-02
- Introduction:Ethics of Reading in World Literature and Ethical Literary Criticism2021-06-02
- The Use of Literary Metamorphosis in Clarice Lispector and Sevim Burak2021-06-02
- FWLS Was Indexed in ESCI of Web of Science2021-06-02
- The Genre Paradigm and Modification of Modern Turkish Drama2021-06-02
- Poetics as Vocabulary of Resistance: A Linguistic Analysis of Ebinyo Ogbowei¡¯s Poetry2021-06-02
- When Literature and Religion Intertwine: Rostam as a Pre-Historic Iranian Hero or the Shi¡¯itic Missionary?2021-06-02
- Chado in Murakami's Sputnik Sweetheart:Asymmetry,Boundaries and Chanced Meetings2021-06-02
- Is the Ugly Duckling a Hero? Philosophical Inquiry as an Approach to Hans Christian Andersen¡¯s Fairy Tales in Danish Pr2021-06-02
Column Navigation
- The Ethico-Political Turn in L
- Call for Chapters: Ideological
- Fruitful collaborations-Ethica
- The Teaching Function of Liter
- Conference Report:The 4th Inte